Random and Unscripted Podcast

The Art of Being Random, Ravioli In London, Having Unscripted Conversations, and Writing Magical Short Stories for Kids and the Young at Heart | Random and Unscripted with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

Episode Summary

Random. Unscripted. No agenda. Just two friends hitting record and seeing where the conversation takes them. From hats to eating ravioli in London and writing magical short stories for children—this is what happens when Marco and Sean embrace the unknown.

Episode Notes

Title: The Art of Being Random, Ravioli In London, Having Unscripted Conversations, and Writing Magical Short Stories for Kids and the Young at Heart 

Some people meticulously plan their podcasts, carefully outlining each segment, scripting the perfect transitions, and staying laser-focused on a central theme.

This is not that podcast. Nope!

Welcome to Random and Unscripted, where Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli hit record and let the conversation take on a life of its own. No structure, no rules—just whatever happens to pop into their heads. And, as it turns out, quite a lot pops in.

In this latest episode, we kick things off with a deep philosophical debate about… hats. Specifically, the mysterious origins of Sean’s recently rediscovered headwear, which may or may not be Australian (or possibly extraterrestrial). Naturally, this segues into a discussion on the architecture of New York and London, the peculiar planning rules that keep St. Paul’s Cathedral in view, and, of course, eating amazing ravioli. Because why not? It’s ravioli! What’s the matter with you?!

From there, things take a turn into the creative process behind Storie Sotto Le Stelle, the podcast and story series Marco has been creating with his mother. What started as a way to preserve small-town grocery store memories turned into a whimsical collection of tales featuring talking shoes, mad cats, colorful bicycle races, enchanted gardens, and even a robot studying humanity from an observatory made of glass. Sean marvels at the sheer volume of stories Marco’s mom has written (over 40 in the pipeline!), while Marco contemplates the life choices that led to him having yet another unpaid creative job. LOL!

Somewhere along the way, they also tackle the nature of creativity, the fine line between genius and madness, and whether there’s a market for on-demand, custom-made stories (spoiler: Marco is not taking commissions… yet. Go ahead, make him an offer).

In true Random and Unscripted fashion, we wrap things up with musings on personal passions—writing, music, storytelling, and the simple joy of doing something just because it makes life more interesting. It’s the kind of conversation best enjoyed over coffee, a glass of wine, or while wearing a completely unnecessary but highly stylish hat.

New episodes drop when they drop. Expect the unexpected.

Guest links:
📌 Storie Sotto Le Stelle: https://www.storiesottolestelle.com
📌 Storie Sotto Le Stelle Podcast: https://storiesottolestellepodcast.simplecast.com
📌 Marco Ciappelli: https://www.marcociappelli.com
📌 Sean Martin: https://www.seanmartin.com

Episode Transcription

The Art of Being Random, Ravioli In London, Having Unscripted Conversations, and Writing Magical Short Stories for Kids and the Young at Heart | Random and Unscripted with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

Sean Martin: [00:00:00] You coming on or what? What's going on?  

Marco Ciappelli: I am randomly on.  

Sean Martin: He's decided to show up.  

Marco Ciappelli: I'm randomly showing up in a very unscripted manner.  

Sean Martin: I found a hat. I forgot I had.  

Marco Ciappelli: Oh, is that a hat? I thought it was a spaceship.  

Sean Martin: It's a pretty, it's a pretty large, uh Pretty large hat.  

Marco Ciappelli: What did you get? It looks like an Australian hat. 

Sean Martin: It looks like an Australian hat.  

Marco Ciappelli: Is it?  

Sean Martin: Uh, I don't know. I think it's an Australian hat. You  

Marco Ciappelli: don't know where you got it?  

Sean Martin: I know where I got it, but I'm not going to tell that story.  

Marco Ciappelli: No?  

Sean Martin: It's a secret. Secret story.  

Marco Ciappelli: Okay.  

Sean Martin: I'm in New York. It's here in New York with me, and I don't travel with hats. So. It came from New York. 

Marco Ciappelli: There you go. It's good enough. Good enough. So, have we been going without Prevalent in New  

Sean Martin: York, you know. What [00:01:00] is that? These hats are very prevalent in New York.  

Marco Ciappelli: Oh, it's so New Yorker. As soon as I saw it, I was like, shit, that's so New York of you.  

Sean Martin: It must be in New York, wearing that hat.  

Marco Ciappelli: Yeah. So Yankee of you. 

It is. It is. So, we, did we skip last week?  

Sean Martin: We were busy last week, man.  

Marco Ciappelli: You were busy.  

I was  

busy pretending to be busy.  

Sean Martin: Well, we did finish and then I took off for a little, uh, break.  

Marco Ciappelli: We said we were going to record before.  

Sean Martin: I left you hanging. I left you hanging. I went to, uh, I went to Tampa.  

Marco Ciappelli: Tell me about Tampa. 

Sean Martin: Tampa was fun. Got to see a good friend of mine. And I hadn't seen him in a while. I love musician. We love music. So we got to, got to screw around with some keyboards and listen to each other's, uh, tracks that we put down. Just catch up. It was very nice. He and his wife, we had some nice dinners. Got to explore the area. 

Got to see the, uh  

Marco Ciappelli: [00:02:00] Yeah, well, you have friends everywhere we go everywhere we go for a location. I'm just going to stay a couple more days. I have a body here. And then there is me. I only have I have you and a couple more friends. And then you know, I have A lot of  

invisible friends.  

Sean Martin: I know this. 

They're all in your head.  

Marco Ciappelli: Oh, they're all in my freaking head.  

Sean Martin: And they're all they all have their own stories. I'm sure  

Marco Ciappelli: it's full of ghosts and cats and, uh, You know, crazy things like an animated object that talks and, uh, and I think it comes from the family. I think I inherited from my mom.  

Sean Martin: From what I know, I would agree. 

Marco Ciappelli: We're both crazy.  

Sean Martin: Creative, maybe. Might be a different CR word.  

Marco Ciappelli: I know. I think you need to be a little bit crazy to be creative. I agree with that. In everything you do, even music.  


Sean Martin: think, uh, music, acting, art, [00:03:00] yeah, it's something in the mind that looks at things differently.  

Marco Ciappelli: Something is off, right? I mean, acting, look at that, you're just like, just pretending to be someone else. 

Sean Martin: I really like it when there's a lot of creativity and engineering when they're designing that that bridge. Let's go a little wacky there. I  

think we want those to be a little more precise.  

Marco Ciappelli: It's a different side of the brain, as they say, but I think many people then ended up using both. I know I look at some of the buildings here in New York. 


Sean Martin: mean, there's a lot of clearly engineering safe, but creatively designed building. I think, well, why are they bigger on top than the bottom? Why is there? Why is it open on the bottom? It's all glass.  


Marco Ciappelli: have a story about that. I need to verify it. But I think I saw it on Instagram. And I know this is not what we plan to talk about. 

But that's whatever. We're [00:04:00] random. So it is random. Um, the shape of the building in London, you know, all the tall building, they're all kind of wacko. They're all wackos, right? They're all wackos. Well, apparently, yeah, I mean, they're weird looking, the bullets and the shards and all of that. There, there was a rule, I'm going to say at the end of the 1800s, where They couldn't obstruct the view of the St. Paul Cathedral from everywhere. Ah. You had to see the St. Paul Cathedral, and I think that that rule, that planning, urbanistic planning still exists, and  

Sean Martin: I remember you mentioning that when we were there.  

Marco Ciappelli: Well, yeah, and I found out something the other day, and I want to see if it's true, but I think it is, because you need to always see St. Paul Cathedral, which we did see many, many times. We even had some ravioli.  

Sean Martin: We did [00:05:00] have ravioli. That was good ravioli.  

Marco Ciappelli: Oh, dude, next year? Right. Well, next year, in a few months. A few months. We're there.  

Sean Martin: I found another place. It's a hidden, uh, under the bridge. Ah, yeah. Was it a whiskey bar? I think it was. Ah, a pub. 

Or just a pub in general. Yeah.  

Marco Ciappelli: Pub with a view of the belly of the bridge. Yes, yes, we're definitely going to go there. Anyway, um,  

Sean Martin: yes. So I want to go back to these, these characters that are  

Marco Ciappelli: crazy.  

Sean Martin: Well, the, the, yeah, what, uh, you think about and, and maybe, well, let's, let's, let's talk about the, the creativity and the family. 

So let's go back to your. Your grandfather was a maestro.  

Marco Ciappelli: Yeah. Well, I never got to meet him, but yeah, he was a music.  

Sean Martin: That's a bummer. But I mean, clearly creative, uh, creative mind.  

Marco Ciappelli: I  

Sean Martin: don't think he [00:06:00] was  

Marco Ciappelli: much of a composer, um, at the time, although he was a maestro. Music. I was a teacher like singing and used to play the piano, uh, teaching the piano and used to play the organ in the, in the dome of Florence and other churches in Florence. 

So I think that may be why whenever I get into a church, I just always, I walk in and then I turn around. Because usually that's where the organ is, and I look up, and in my last trip that we were in, in North Europe, I've seen some crazy beautiful organ, and a few times you're lucky enough that there, even if there is not the church function, there is somebody there. 

playing at it. And I don't know, it's changed it all. It's pretty magical. But yeah, that, that was, that was him. Um, but my dad didn't learn anything in terms of music. Um, my mom, she, one day she decided that she was very [00:07:00] creative. And at the young age of starting to come out. She started writing crazy stories. 

Yeah, something like that. Like a couple of years ago. What prompted  

Sean Martin: that? Do you remember?  

Marco Ciappelli: Ah, yeah. It's a, it's a story. So we were talking about one of my grandfathers, the one, the other of the two, that, uh, He, uh, my mom's dad that they, they all together, they had like a grocery store in this small town near Florence. 

And uh, you know, that's back in the sixties and seventies and that's where I grew up pretty much. The whole family just, well, they all work there. And I, including you, including me, I was getting paid for. During the holiday to help and package stuff and, and all of that. But even when I was a very little kid, I was just at the cash register with, you know, either my grandmother or whatever. 

I think that's why I'm very [00:08:00] comfortable with people in general. Um, but so the story is that my mom was reading an article about how all the small shop, they were all closing in, in the small town because there is always a supermarket that takes over. And she was kind of pissed about it. Because her memories and how life used to be and you will see the same people every day coming and buy the bread and the stuff that they need and you, you will know them, right? 

You will know what their preference was in the cut of the cheese or of the prosciutto or whatever, the ham. And I mean, you, you become family in a way. with them and they all live in that neighborhood because then in the next neighborhood there is another grocery store or another bar or another vegetable guy or butcher or whatever it is and so she was very pissed about it and I said you know what you have all these stories why don't you write them down like this [00:09:00] memory that you have with About the store. 

So she said, Well, you know, I'm just not just write some memories, but I'm going to write some some story that I have a moral that the things that would happen in the store and why they were important for the neighborhood. So she started writing those and they were kind of cute and there were kids in there. 

And I, you know, there was a story of a kid that, um, that the owner of the store find out that there was a finger in the Nutella, you know, the Nutella, the chocolate. So, and then it was all too well covered. And then it was covered again. But, you know, the, the owner of the store figured out that it was now sealed and then he saw a finger and then he talked to the kids and he said, Hey, if you told me I would have give it to you on a slice of bread or something. 

And I don't know, it was really cute. And I said to my mom, I didn't know you could write this fantasy story because it's started getting a little interesting like [00:10:00] windows for Christmas that would talk one to another on how pretty they were one was prettier than the other and the Christmas tree was part of it and and all the decor and and from there I said why don't you just write kids story stories for kids and I will take AI I would help translating them in English and from Italian and then uh And then we get AI to read it. 

So we do a podcast where, um, where either kids or parents that they enjoy or the young at heart, they can, they can do that. And so she started writing and I find myself to have another job that I'm not. paid for because I'm helping her and, uh, and I'm having a lot of fun actually. So we have more than 20 stories and they're called Storie Sotto L'Estelle. 

They are in English and in Italian and they're pretty crazy. You know, animals to talk and [00:11:00] shoes that goes on an adventure and it's really nice. I tell my mom, like, I don't know, like now I know why I'm like the way I am, like, you know, like  

Sean Martin: the reason you think the way you do.  

Marco Ciappelli: Yeah. Yeah.  

Sean Martin: I think there was a blue one too, if I remember correctly, and, uh, yeah, you can see, I remember when I was there, I spent a little time and I remember her going out to, to the garden and working on it a little bit while I was there and I could sense, uh, or feel a sense or sense of feeling of joy, however you want to put it. 

Certainly. Uh, fulfillment, right? She's getting something from sharing these stories with, uh, with Children. Um, I really like that it's hidden in Italian and English.  

Marco Ciappelli: Uh,  

Sean Martin: because you can listen to [00:12:00] one and listen to the other and kind of go back and forth. So kids whose first language is English, maybe pick up the story in Italian. 

Was there a reason? To, to do it in that, that way, two languages.  

Marco Ciappelli: Well actually, funny story, the first idea, I got a little I was a little overexcited about ChatGPT a year and a half ago, and I decided to have translation and read in, I think it was six different stories, um, languages, every single story. It was like Chinese and Japanese and French and Spanish. 

And then again, talking about having a not, not a job that I don't get paid for until I find sponsors. Oh, by the way, if somebody wants to sponsor the. Stories of today still that you can talk to me. Um, and, and it was too much. But the other thing is, was that I couldn't tell when Chad GPT was going nuts or If the translation and the reading, that was the [00:13:00] way I intended and the way my mom intended because my mom comes out with the idea, I take it, I kind of bring it to, I don't know, I put a little bit on my own, but mostly I kind of edit like the editor and I can do that with English. 

I can do that with Spanish and maybe French, but I was like, this is too much work, but English, I can certainly do that and Italian. So I rather, I said, yeah. It's going to be two, but it's going to be done correctly. And I feel the English, many times, the English speaking, many times they want to learn Italian. 

So it's something that the grandparents and the parents are want to do. And the Italians wants to. To learn English. So I published them in those two, but it was kind of funny. Try to read, to listen to those in Japanese and not having a single idea what it was.  

Sean Martin: But no way to verify it.  

Marco Ciappelli: Oh, I was excited. 

I'm like, Oh my God, [00:14:00] I can reach every single one around the world with this. And then can realize that sometimes there is a little bit of hallucination there. And most of them got hallucination. You know how it is. We use GPT a lot. And Is to change things, especially you need to be very strict and say, Hey, only fix grammar error and and then you read it and then you didn't do that change a lot of stuff. 

So now when I do that, I have to say I want a list of all the things that you change it. So that I can verify that it wasn't changed more than what I wanted to. So  

Sean Martin: you talked about being a little crazy. I call it creative. Um, I've heard you say countless times and I think we've even talked about it. Some of the best stories follow a Model or framework. 

Marco Ciappelli: Hmm.  

Sean Martin: And you can you, I think you referenced Disney, Disney many times when you mm-hmm . When you make this comment [00:15:00] that their stories have a certain way of getting, getting the, starting going, knowing what the ending's gonna be, and taking you on a journey in a, in a, mm-hmm . In a way that they figured out will keep people interested and, and leave them feeling a certain way at the end. 

Um, do you know if your mom has a model that she follows or is every. Everything just kind of as it comes.  

Marco Ciappelli: Okay, so I agree with you, all you said. I think the movies as well, they follow certain I mean, not all of them. Some are very out there. But in general, the story. I mean, Disney is definitely somebody and Pixar that they follow that, the rule. 

Because it works, right? Um, my mom follow no rules. And that's why it's fun for me. The first draft. So there are some, some writers, they said the first draft of anything is usually shit. I disagree, but it's definitely not [00:16:00] the one that you want to publish. That's for sure. Um, it makes it easy in this case cause they're short stories. 

So they go between 700 and maybe a thousand, 300, uh, words. So, you know, when you listen to it, it's 10, 12 minutes, eight minutes of reading. It's not overwhelming. Uh, but no, she just, she just opened the. Open their brain and and just come up with there is a beginning and an end and and it's all bellies on a on a moral, you know, like kids story. 

They need a moral. That's how how kids used to it. I think they still do learn. Don't go in the wood, because, you know, Little Red Riding Hood, she can, you know, she can almost eat them by the wolf, and it's dangerous out there, and, you know, the Green Brothers, and all those people that write stories, at the time, they're not as pretty as Disney translated them, they were pretty. 

Gruesome, even [00:17:00] Pinocchio, which is the most read Italian, I mean, the most read book in the world after the Bible, I believe, um, it's pretty heavy when you watch the Disney movie and it's kind of cute and stuff, but it's, you know, it's Hansel and  

Sean Martin: Gretel, I think it was another pretty dark  

Marco Ciappelli: one, but my mom, so she put the moral, but she, she create, This crazy world out there and my job is to say, all right, this is great, but this is another story Um kind of like maybe too many things because she's just poor her creativity and there is again We are character magic enchanted planets, uh, you know where everybody's flying or crazy bicycle race with, uh, out of control things. 

And then she listened to me talk about robotics and technology all the time. So she wrote one about an observatory on a hill that is all full [00:18:00] of, um, robots and there is an AI in it, but she connects the traditional things that she grew up with. Um, sometimes it's the food, sometimes it's the simple lifestyle in the little town with some magic or elements and, but it's all grounded in, in her being. 

From Tuscany and also my dad kind of working with her on some ideas where he's very attached to Florence. So there's always a touch of Tuscan life in there. Right. Traditional, right? And so, and it is driven by this idea of wanting to entertain but also kind of educate the reader, the young reader. into something important in life. 

Sean Martin: So he started answering, I don't think that's [00:19:00] the full answer, but I was wondering if there was a Things that trigger an idea for her. So you mentioned you talking about AI and robotics and but I know some of the stories are are connected to holidays. Halloween and Christmas. I think a couple of  

Marco Ciappelli: Halloween. 

I pushed her to do that. That's probably more my story than her.  

Sean Martin: I thought maybe that might be the case. Yeah, um. So is it triggers of memories as a kid or news of the day or conversation she had all the above? Something she does  

Marco Ciappelli: and she's like, Hey, I can write a story about it. So we published about 20 story I think now, which require quite some work. 

There's editing, re editing, there is translating, there is doing the podcast and the cover and all of that. Um, so. I think there is at least 35 or [00:20:00] 40 in the, in the waiting list because she just got an idea and I'm like, All right, you keep drafting this stuff and we'll see when we get there. But, um, It's everything. 

Like she, I don't know, maybe she goes in the garden and she picks up like a lemon and says the  

Sean Martin: garden was an inspiration. Oh, yeah. She writes a lot of stuff  

Marco Ciappelli: about vegetables that interact with each other. Or there is one about the enchanted roses in the castle. So there is this roses and all this. 

Actually, you're right. There is a lot of garden elements. I never thought about it, but there is, you know, roses that interact with each other, that they, they gang, uh, together with, uh, with fireflies, and they go to discover this abandoned castle, and then they find the library in there, and there is a guardian, and, and I, yeah, sometimes maybe it's because she's just cutting a rose in the garden. 

Uh, she'll go to the vegetable store and maybe she thinks [00:21:00] like, Hey, I can make these two tomatoes talk to each other about something. And then they go on an adventure. Everything pretty much treat this. And my dad is like, Oh, here goes another one. 

It's so much fun about  

Sean Martin: that is, uh, what's his, what are his thoughts on this? Uh, yeah. Did, does he get involved? Does he enjoy reading them? Does he, I don't know. Does he keep it separate? I don't even know what what's.  

Marco Ciappelli: He reads it because, you know, when you're married you have to do stuff, right? So, uh, no, he enjoys  

Sean Martin: it. 

Marco Ciappelli: He enjoys it. My mom, she found a new reason after, you know, they retired and, you know, they do their life. They have friends and, you know, they cook and they spend time in the garden. She gets up in the morning and she call it work. When she writes, she's, [00:22:00] she's a real writer. She knows that she has to write and she wants to write. 

That's what gets her going in the morning, uh, as, Oh, I'm going to do the chores and I'm going to do the things I need to do because then I can have this hour to, to write something. So she's really moved by that. My dad, so he's some kind of an editor. He contributes some ideas, uh, He's not, he doesn't read fantasy, doesn't watch cartoons the way I do obsessively, um, but he participates. 

He, he, he's happy that she's doing that, but he's not the writer of that. But he's, he's, you can tell when he gets in there. Yeah. . I can, I, I can tell I've tell, I've known them all my life, so yeah, he can spot it. That is just magic. And I honestly, it's, it is just amazing. I talk to them every day. I've always done that. 

And you know that [00:23:00] it's like. It's breakfast time and tell my parents and, um, I would say that in the last year and a half that we've been doing this, it usually goes into what did you write today? Or, you know, when are we could publish in the next stories? Or here's an idea. It's it's nice. It's like something that we have going on together. 

It's really cool. And people like it, so.  

Sean Martin: Oh yeah, yeah, no question about that. I want to know, uh, so she didn't set out on a journey to write x number of short stories, I don't think. Nope. Doesn't seem like it.  

Marco Ciappelli: But we want to publish a little book.  

Sean Martin: That was my question. Do you see Do you see something beyond the, the podcasts in, and the, the books in written, uh, digital form? 

Do you see something beyond that?  

Marco Ciappelli: [00:24:00] Yeah, I've looked into doing my own print of the book. Maybe pick, I was thinking maybe to pick like 10 stories. Like I said, there are about. On average, 8, 000 words. So it's not, they're not that long, but you know, with a cover, I wouldn't go for illustration, although I do like the idea, but they're very, they're not for young kids. 

I mean, the book for young kids is very simple, few words. I mean, it's not for the five years old. This is more like, even if the parents  

Sean Martin: read it to them, maybe,  

Marco Ciappelli: um, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I think if the parents read it, it could be for the youngest one for like six or seven. Sure. I mean, we try to keep it simple, but, um, I think their pleas, their, their, their There is a pleasure in reading those, even if you are, or listening to those, even if you are 60 or [00:25:00] 50 or 40. 

As long as you like that kind of story. There is some magic and there is always some moment that makes you laugh. There is a weird dialogue going on. Usually it is kind of the funny moment. Maybe, uh, maybe there is the bears that are coming crazy down on a sled in the wood. for Christmas while the, the, the protagonist is going to visit Santa Claus and in the North Pole and they crash and there's like, you know, crazy moment of, of, of funny things. 

So it's, I think it's funny for everyone to be honest, uh, you know, but, um, yeah. So the, obviously different  

Sean Martin: areas and different, different geography, but, uh, I can imagine a lot of people connecting with a feeling as a child they can, they can think back to or, or an experience that maybe it's a different set of woods or a different garden scene that [00:26:00] they, they're picturing, but yeah, they can probably grasp and feel it too. 


Marco Ciappelli: if you know me, and you know that I always try to bring a sense of inclusivity and diversity and welcoming to different. experiences. Um, but that the lesson is that everybody should just do whatever it feels like doing. You know, if there is one rabbit that decide one day to become a chef. And when you start cooking, and there is another one that is a crazy cat that he goes to school in a class of cats that he just, it's just crazy in a way that he'd like to do things the way he wants and he wear six scarves of different colors and, uh, you know, and, and he'd just jump around and, but, but then in the end is again, there is a moral where, um, People thought it was crazy, but it's just different and they people should accept it for who he [00:27:00] is So it's kind of cool to elaborate on on that And I think that's why they're good stories for for everybody. 

So I would like to make the book Today I have the time. That's exciting.  

Sean Martin: I would I'd be thrilled to see that happen and I mean, we all know we need a bit of more moral, uh, injection, some ethics, some ethics and, uh, injected into our youth. So, yeah, it's super cool to see, see how much has, has been done. Uh, I remember the first few stories and you starting to get everything set up and, uh, your mom's excitement to, to get the first few out and, and no lack of, uh, Passion, no lack of drive, no, no, uh, going in sight from what I can see, no lack of  

Marco Ciappelli: ideas. 

If anything, there's too many. It's just [00:28:00] about finding the time to make it happen. And, uh, and it did inspire me too. I mean, I've always liked writing, but it did inspire me to actually get in and write my own story, which may be just a short story. And maybe I enjoy doing it for kids. So maybe I'll, I'll just. 

Give my own spin to it, which will be kind of fun, you know, it's a creative, uh, aspect that you need in your life, either it's music or it's writing or it's. You're in gardening. Yeah,  

Sean Martin: yeah, or engineering. Arts and crafts, absolutely. I  

Marco Ciappelli: mean, look at this background.  

Sean Martin: Does it get  

Marco Ciappelli: more creative, the background  

Sean Martin: that we have here? 

I don't think, I don't think it does. For people watching  

Marco Ciappelli: the  

Sean Martin: video. It's pretty wild.  

Marco Ciappelli: It's pretty crazy.  

Sean Martin: It's random for sure. But, uh, yeah, it's super inspiring. I'm not a writer, so I'm in awe when I [00:29:00] can 

Marco Ciappelli: Well, you write as a journalist. Well, I write  

Sean Martin: as a journalist. I'm not a creative writer in terms of fantasy.  

Marco Ciappelli: Dude, when you do your newsletter  

Sean Martin: I know, I know. You're gonna try to Yeah, some of them, some of them are fun. But it's not, that doesn't come natural to me. I have to focus on it. When it's clearly something natural for you and your mom. 

Music, on the other hand Just random stuff comes out of me that I'm like,  

Marco Ciappelli: eh,  

Sean Martin: I enjoy that. I'll put it on the loop and listen to it a few times as I'm sitting here cooking or whatever. So, I like the stuff that I create, in that sense. The writing, for me, not so much. So I'm glad, I'm always in awe when there's somebody who can write. 

And produce good things. And  

Marco Ciappelli: for me, it's all about storytelling, right? And I think that, that also justify and explain how beside cyber [00:30:00] security technology and society, you pick to have a podcast that we discuss on the first event of The first episode of Unscripted and, and Random and Unscripted, which is about technology and music, but mostly it's music, so that's you. 

I mean, I love music too, but, you know, you're more of a, of a, of a musician and mine is all audio signals, all about storytelling and stories. And I talk to people that do that for, for a living or for a passion. And, and I think that goes to show you, like, if I have two hours, that's probably what I'm going to pick, uh, writing. 

Yeah, and playing music, too.  

Sean Martin: For me, it's, uh, if there's a string or a key or something to tap, that's, that's what I'm, that's what I'm doing.  

Marco Ciappelli: And that's, uh, that's the moral of the story. Like, it's, uh, that everybody listening right now is to find out what [00:31:00] that, you know, what the inspiration is and get to, get to get up in the morning beside working. 

I mean, in Japanese, they call it the hikigai. Which is your, your meaning of, you know, your reason to live. And it could be to take care of your, of a relative. It would be like to grow your kids and volunteers or wherever it is. If, if one of that is do something creative, I think that's the moral is that. 

It was never too late. My mom's, I didn't even know she could write that like that until she was well in her 70s. So  

Sean Martin: it's a cool story.  

Marco Ciappelli: Never too late.  

Sean Martin: That's the story. So of course, people listening and watching this will include a link to the website and to the podcast, obviously. You can all check it out. 

Just listen to a few stories, read them to your kids. Listen, let your kids listen to him.  

Marco Ciappelli: Yeah.  

Sean Martin: Who knows, if you don't speak [00:32:00] Italian, maybe I should try to learn Italian. Honestly, listen,  

Marco Ciappelli: listen, listen to both. If it's eight minutes each, I think it's really interesting, like, to listen even the different intonation and you'll recognize a few words, especially, you know, on both direction, I think, you know. 

The Italian would definitely pick a lot of the English part and and the English will probably hear some familiar So why not? It's a good way to learn the language too.  

Sean Martin: Exactly.  

Marco Ciappelli: Exactly. Well, that was random.  

Sean Martin: It was random. And  

Marco Ciappelli: it was definitely unscripted.  

Sean Martin: It's certainly that too. And, uh, yeah, somehow we ended up on that from, uh, from buildings. 

New York. Look at that.  

Marco Ciappelli: That's the beauty of it. Maybe I need to write a story about New York. She's been in New York, so all it takes is for me to [00:33:00] tell her, Hey, write a story about New York. You're going to have it. I'm going to have it. And then I have to deal with it.  

Sean Martin: Maybe it's about the marathon. I don't know. 

Marco Ciappelli: Maybe.  

Sean Martin: Maybe. And it's not a people marathon. I don't know. I'm just saying.  

Marco Ciappelli: Request. Request. That's right. And maybe you'll get your own story. Why not? Maybe. Give her an idea. You'll get it. I'm sure you will. Well, that was fun, Sean.  

Sean Martin: I'm super, super proud of both of you. And, uh, I love seeing the creativity and the results of it. 

And I hope other people enjoy it, too. I mean, it's super fun, so.  

Marco Ciappelli: Yep, and I hope they enjoy our conversations on Unscripted Podcast. Share it and, uh, we'll come back. It's kind of like something I'd honestly like to do on a Friday. If we can, I'd like to publish it on a weekend. Because it's not about Nothing like scary, it's [00:34:00] very much of a tradition that I think we, we are creating, which is really good for us, um, as friends. 

And I think it's very good, honestly, awfully for people listen to something that doesn't have to be bad news all the time or something that we have to worry about. It's, it's more about getting excited about life, which  

Sean Martin: it matters. I get to wear a funny hat  

Marco Ciappelli: to wear a stupid  

Sean Martin: hat. Which at some point, I know I keep saying it, but at some point I'll run out of hats, but  

Marco Ciappelli: we'll see. 

I'll start again.  

Sean Martin: Yeah, start again. Start again. Get a, get a new collection. All right.  

Marco Ciappelli: All right. Well, thanks everybody.  

Sean Martin: Uh, we'll wrap this up here as random and unscripted with Sean and Marco.  

Marco Ciappelli: Yep.  

Sean Martin: Check the notes. There'll be a link. Check the notes for Let me know what you think about  

Marco Ciappelli: the stories. I would really appreciate the  

Sean Martin: feedback. 

Make your requests there.  

Marco Ciappelli: I'll make you pay.  

Sean Martin: I'll  

Marco Ciappelli: write, I'll write on demand, but [00:35:00]  

Sean Martin: There are some interesting business models out there for that.  

Marco Ciappelli: Hey, it's called I  

Sean Martin: did. I've seen one. I did start  

Marco Ciappelli: it as a copywriter. You know that  

Sean Martin: I think what I see is on Shark Tank Draw a cat for me or something or draw my cat or something So this has even a little more, uh legitimacy to it than draw my cat Yeah, so i'm not gonna draw No, I request the story. 

All right. Well, thanks everybody. Take care.